Teach Yourself Heraldry

Welcome to the Course!

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Easy to follow, but you’ll need a book

If you plan to study heraldry at all seriously, you’ll need a reference book. This course introduces the main aspects of the subject, but the online format is not ideal when you want to check something or return to it. Also, we’re focusing here on the basics, and at some stage you’ll inevitably want a much fuller resource. We recommend Boutell’s Heraldry. Although it isn’t available new, there always seem to be inexpensive used copies available. We recommend that you get your copy before you start the course.

The Course is in Two Halves

This course has been designed to be as easy to follow as possible. The first four modules teach you how to understand heraldry, and are a complete course in themselves. The last four modules introduce the complicated language of heraldry. This is a fascinating subject in its own right, but it can be omitted if desired, without compromising the rest of the course.

Module 1 ☛☛
Module 2 ☛☛
Module 3 ☛☛
Module 4 ☛☛

Module 5 ☛☛
Module 6 ☛☛
Module 7 ☛☛
Module 8 ☛☛