The MHS Essay Prize

First Prize £750, runner-up prize £300, third place £200
The closing date for the 2024 Essay Prize is 1st March 2025

Since 2016 the Mortimer History Society has awarded an essay prize as part of our commitment to encourage and support new research into the medieval Mortimer family and the Welsh March. Also to promote the historical study of medieval borderlands more broadly.

Essays on the following subjects are welcome and we encourage wide-ranging entries:

• The history of the medieval Mortimer family of Wigmore and its cadet branches, including those of Chirk and Chelmarsh, and the family’s impact on the history and culture of the British Isles.
• The history, geopolitics, topography, laws, economy, society and culture of medieval borderlands, including comparative studies, between 1066 and 1542.

For the winners, success will garner financial prizes, the opportunity for peer-reviewed publication, membership of the MHS and speaking opportunities.

Download the Call For Entries document follow this link☛☛

See previous winners follow this link☛☛