Donate to our Bursary fund

Our Bursary programme is entirely dependent on donations from members and supporters of the MHS. In 2023 we made a single bursary grant of £1,000. We’d love to do more. If you’d like to contribute to important research work in an area of history you care about, please make your donation here ☛☛

Please donate as much or as little as you are able – every little helps. Please select ‘bursary fund’ as the purpose of your donation.

The 2024 fund-raising campaign closes on 15 April. Shortly after, we’ll announce the number of bursaries we’ll be able to offer in 2024.

Thank you for your support.

See what your donation can do

Our 2023 bursary was granted to Gabriella Williams, undertaking a PhD at the University of Winchester. Her studies will investigate ‘medieval misinformation’ – the spread and impact of political rumour in 15th century England.
“My aim is to look at the different sorts of political rumours prevalent in the 15th century and how they shaped political narratives and events. I’m interested in the way rumours were repeated through different generations of the Mortimer family. For example, did Roger Mortimer, the 1st earl of March, inspire rumours regarding usurpation in later generations that may not otherwise have occurred? How did the rebellion of Sir Edmund Mortimer IV affect perceptions of Edmund Mortimer, the 5th earl, and did the latter’s loyalty affect the way the Mortimers were portrayed in general? And how did all of this affect the rumours surrounding Richard duke of York in the lead-up to 1460 and rumours regarding Yorkist legitimacy in the later 15th century?”

Help us support more students like Gabriella. Donate here before 15 April ☛☛