Why is this Mortimer of Chirk shield in a 16th century window in Ockwells manor in Berkshire?

Heraldry Group

We are an amorphous group of members with a general interest in heraldry and a desire to understand more about the arms of the Mortimers of Wigmore. We organise occasional study days and visits and undertake research to tackle some of the interesting questions that pop up. If you would like to be involved, email heraldry@mortimerhistorysociety.org.uk

Which younger sons of the Mortimers are represented in these medieval tiles in Bredon church, Worcestershire? Both shields have an extra device on the central escutcheon as a difference mark.

Learn more about the heraldry of the Mortimers ☛☛

Why and when was this large carved Mortimer shield placed in the church in Ribbesford, Worcestershire?