The Medieval Documents Group

The Society has recently set up a document study group for interested members. Two study weekends were held in Ludlow and Leominster to introduce the principles and practices around reading old documents and becoming more confident with using archives. Around twenty members participated originally and there is always room for more. The plan is to take the group online and hold virtual study days. The group is tutored by Dr Paul Dryburgh, President of the Society, and Helen Watt, archivist and historian with an expertise in medieval government and manorial records. Rosalind Caird, former librarian at Hereford Cathedral Library, has also joined the group bringing her own expertise. Our objective is to transcribe, translate and publish records relating to the medieval Mortimers of Wigmore on the website or in print. There’s so much unexplored potential just waiting to be found! 

Reading Medieval Documents ☛☛

Below are links to five Powerpoint presentations delivered at workshops of the research group. They are accessible to members of the group only

About Archives ☛☛
Archival Skills 1 ☛☛
Archival Skills 2 ☛☛
Dating, Numbers and Abbreviations  ☛☛
Online Resources and Databases  ☛☛

If you would like to know more, contact Yve on